Meaning of (उपलब्ध कराना) upalabdh karna in english
As noun : supply Ex: Flouridation of municipal water supply is done in many cities to prevent tooth decay.
call up
As verb : provide Ex: Some statehomes provide protectiveness to the orphans. open up Ex: As soon as Japan agreed to open up to foreign influence introduce Ex: Multi-level caches introduce new design decisions. arrange Ex: I will arrange an appointment for the noon hour .
Other : equip with
Suggested : to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway by a door, a window by a sash, or a gateway by a gate an order to report for active military service to furnish or provide (a person, establishment, place, etc) with what is lacking or requisite to make available furnish
Exampleउपलब्ध कराना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of उपलब्ध कराना:
1. क्लब का उद्देश्य महिलाओं को उनसे जुड़े मुद्दों पर पर उचित मंच उपलब्ध कराना है bhaskar.com2. बिहार की सरकार जमीन उपलब्ध कराना तो दूर, केन्द्र के संबंधित मंत्रालयों द्वारा बार-बार पत्र लिखे जाने वाले पत्रों का जवाब तक नहीं दे रही है bhaskar.com3. इस अस्पताल का उद्देश्य कैंसर-किडनी रोग के मरीजों को सस्ता इलाज उपलब्ध कराना था
(उपलब्ध कराना) upalabdh karna
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
upalabdha karaanaa